How to order a repeat prescription




We no longer accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the telephone.  We have several methods for ordering your repeat prescriptions listed below. Please include your full name, address, up-to-date telephone number, and the names of all the medications you require.

Please note that you need to allow 48 hours for your prescription to be processed by the practice before you collect it.  If you are ordering via your preferred chemist it may be advisable to order at least 72 hours in advance.

image of pharmacist



Please post your prescription request to: 64 Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6AP and include a stamped addressed envelope for us to post your prescription back to you. Please include your full name, address, up-to-date telephone number, and the names of all the medications you require.



You can use the following methods to order your prescription online



If you want to deliver your request by hand there are request slips and a post box, both situated on the reception desk. Please include your full name, address, up-to-date telephone number, and the names of all the medications you require.



If you choose to order your prescription via a local Chemist of your choice please contact them to find out how they operate their system. They will pass your request onto us for processing and then they will collect your prescription from the surgery, or it will be sent electronically if you have signed up for electronic prescribing (see below).  Please allow at least 72 hours for this method.


Electronic Prescribing

Thorpe Road Surgery is enabled for Electronic Prescribing. Patients should ask their local pharmacy if they are participating.  If a patient nominates a participating pharmacy, then once the prescription is ordered, it does not need to be collected, as there is no paper prescription: The pharmacy can “collect” the prescription electronically.  Some medications are exempt from this process and will only ever be produced on a paper FP10 prescription form.


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