Community Services




Our patients can take advantage of a variety of services that are provided within our Primary care network.


HCA Home Visiting Service

For housebound patients.

Procedures include: Taking Blood, Blood Pressure Checks, Temperature, Pulse Rate, Pulse Oximetry, Urine Screening, Height, Weight, BMI, Diabetic Footchecks and others. Self-referral options are not available, but if a clinician advises, a Receptionist will refer you for this service.

Social Prescribing and Health Coaches

Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services to support their health and wellbeing. Self-referral options may be available in the future. Please speak to a Receptionist if you wish to be referred for this service.

Healthy You, by EveryoneHealth

Smoking Cessation, Children's healthy lifestyle, Weight Management, Falls Prevention and more. There is a self-referral option available.

Adult Social Care

Advice and info, Reablement, Therapy Services, Home Improvement, Aids and adaptions. Please contact Peterborough City Council for a referral to this service.

Citizens Advice Peterborough

Quality advice on debts, benefits, housing, homelessness, relationships and employment and more. There is a self-referral option available.

CPFT District Nurses

Assess, plan and provide nursing clinical care to those people who are often housebound due to ill health, either in their own home or in a care home that does not provide nursing. . Self-referral options are not available, but if a clinician advises, a Receptionist will refer you for this service.

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

If advised by your doctor, you can monitor your blood pressure at home by loaning one of the monitors from the surgery. These loans are based on a mutual agreement and made available for our patients for one week. Your doctor will advise if you need to monitor your blood pressure at home or refer you to Long Blood Pressure Monitoring Service. Self-referral options are not available.